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That s it for me. That was the one moment in life, when you get a chance to change everything for
yourself and you don t take it.
I didn t take my moment.
My moment just walked away from me.
And somehow I knew, right there, standing in the middle of the dance floor...that I wouldn t get
my moment back.
I roll, and the hot, tiny body beside me groans and moves. I open my eyes, and blink over and over
until they re not blurred any longer. The first thing I see is the blonde hair spread out over my pillow:
thick, beautiful, blonde hair that smells like fuckin vanilla. I let my eyes slide down, and I sigh
deeply. Motherfucker. Ciara.
My gaze rakes her naked body; perfect little tits swelling out over the top of my sheets. Long, lean
neck that s covered in my marks. Marks I made while I was fuckin balls deep inside her. Her large,
pretty fuckin lips are parted, and she s breathing deeply.
What the fuck have I done? I ve fucked the one girl I swore I d never fuck again. I swore I d stay
away. Swore I d fucking keep my hands off her and yet she s here, in my bed, sleepin soundly after I
buried myself in her all night. Fuck.
I m such a fuckin idiot. I should have stayed away, but then last night happened. She saw me
watchin that couple, and she fuckin liked it. Her cheeks flushed, her body got hot, and she was
lookin at me like she wanted to fuckin eat me alive. I should have walked away then. That was the
moment I should have turned, but here I am...and now I don t want to fuckin walk away. I want her. I
need her. I don t want any other fucker touchin her, and that scares the fuck outta me.
 Cause it ain t fuckin right.
She shouldn t be here.
Another groan and she rolls. Fuck. I get out of the bed, jerking on a pair of boxers and creeping
outta the room like a fuckin freak.
I head down the hall and into the kitchen. Granger is standing at the counter, smoking, as always.
He raises his brows when I come out, and I give him a  Don t fuckin say a word kind of expression.
He grins at me. Fuckin asshole.
 Busy night, Prez?
 Somethin like that, I growl, pulling out a cigarette and bringing it to my lips, lighting it.
 That bitch you got in there can scream. Fuck me, kept me awake all night.
I glare at him, and he puts his hands up.  Special one?
 Ciara, I grunt.
 I m fuckin sorry, what did you say?
Here we fuckin go.
 I said, it s Ciara.
He slowly lowers his cigarette, crushing it out before looking up at me with fierce eyes.
 Are you fuckin brain-dead?
 No, I m fuckin not.
 What the fuck have you been fightin for? You ve been bustin your balls tryin to keep her away
for weeks, and now you re divin balls deep into her? Fuck, Prez, what the fuck is wrong with you?
I spin on him, leaning close and clenching my fists.  Shut your fuckin mouth. I don t have to
answer to any of you fuckers. My business is just that, fuckin mine.
 It ain t just your business, Prez. It s all of us you re puttin at risk. Involvin her in this shit, it s
fuckin bad.
 She ain t gettin involved! I bark.  She s protected by the Knights, and she ain t got shit to do
with what s goin down.
 It s dangerous!
I clench my fists.  She ain t gonna be involved.
 You re playin with fuckin fire, Prez. You want to lose another woman to fuckin Hogan?
 No I fuckin don t, I bellow, slamming my fist onto the counter.  I don t want her to have
anything to do with that sorry son of a bitch, but I can t fuckin tie her up and force her away from me.
I fuckin tried, Granger. I fuckin tried, but she ain t takin no for an answer. Best option for me right
now is to keep her fuckin close to make sure she s safe.
Granger studies me for a long moment, and then shakes his head.
 Fuck, Prez...
 What? I growl.
 You fuckin love the bitch.
 Call her a motherfuckin bitch again, I ll cut your fuckin dick off and shove it up your ass.
 Didn t answer my question, he snorts, lighting another cigarette.
 Nothing to fuckin answer. I don t love, and I sure as shit ain t gettin another woman killed. I m
enjoyin her, keepin her safe while that prick is on the streets. After that, it s done.
 Whatever you say, Prez.
I glare at him, but can t say another word because I hear the floorboards squeak, and turn to see
Ciara walkin out. Fuck. Well fuck. She s wearing one of my shirts and it just barely covers her
sweet ass. Her hair is flowing down around her shoulders, and she looks like a tiny fuckin pixie. She
turns those yellow eyes to mine and I shudder, yeah, fuckin shudder. I want her again. My cock burns
to be buried deep inside her again.
This shit ain t good. It ain t how it was meant to go, and yet I fuckin can t turn away. I want to
run my fingers across those sweet, full cheeks and slide my tongue across those full, sweet as sugar
 Hey, she whispers, letting her eyes slide over me, then she gives Granger a quick glance.
I catch his expression; it s shocked. His brows are raised and he s standing straight now, instead
of leaning against the counter.
 Hey, Tom Cat, I husk.
 I...woke and didn t know where I was for a minute. I couldn t find my clothes.
Her cheeks just flushed. Motherfucker.
 Got  em.
 Right, she whispers.  Well, um, can I have them? I have to work.
 Yeah, babe, I ll take you.
I give Granger a warning look, before turning and walking towards Ciara. She flushes deeper, and
I have to grip my boxers and adjust my fuckin cock so she won t see how badly I want her. Fuck this
want. Been fightin this want for fuckin years and now she s pullin it outta me, and I can t turn her
I don t have it in me anymore. I can t say no. I don t want to fuckin say no, even thought I should.
I should be tellin her to leave, tellin her it was a great fuckin night but it ain t goin to be happening
again. But I m not goin to say that.
I m fucked.
Jesus, he s looking at me like he wants to eat me alive. And I want him to. Again and again.
I turn on my heel, cursing my flushing cheeks as I walk back toward his room. I can hear him
behind me, padding down the hall, no doubt thinking about last night. I can t stop thinking about last
night. He fucked me four times, and each time was better than the last. His body, his mouth, his hands,
everything about him had me drowning in my own fucking pleasure. He made me feel, and god, it s
been so long since I ve felt anything. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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