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Pharm Sci 21:525 531. ods. J Mat Sci 36:1763 1773.
25. Johansen A, Schæfer T. 2001. Effect of interac- 38. Viana M, Gabaude-Renou CMD, Pontier C, Chulia
tions between powder particle size and binder D. 2001. The packing coefficient: A suitable para-
viscosity on agglomeration growth mechanisms meter to assess the flow properties of powders. Kona
in a high shear mixer. Eur J Pharm Sci 12:297 19:85 93.
309. 39. Viana M, Ribet J, Rodriguez F, Chulia D. 2005.
26. Knight PC, Instone T, Pearson JMK, Hounslow MJ. Powder functionality test: A methodology for rheo-
1998. An investigation into the kinetics of liquid logical and mechanical characterization. Pharm
distribution and growth in high shear mixer Dev Technol 10:2, 327 338.
agglomeration. Powder Technol 97:246 257. 40. Pontier C, Viana M, Champion E, Bernache-Asso-
27. Westerhuis JA. 1997. Multivariate statistical mod- lant D, Chulia D. 2003. Energetic yields in apatic
elling of pharmaceutical process. Ph. D. Thesis, calcium phosphates compression: Influence of the
Rijksuniversiteit Groningen. Ca/P molar ratio. Polym Int 52:625 628.
28. Badawy SIF, Lee TJ, Menning MM. 2000. Effect of 41. Heckel RW. 1961. Density-pressure relationship in
drug substance particle size on the characteristics powder compaction. Trans Metall Soc AIME 221:
of granulation manufactured in a high-shear mixer. 671 675.
AAPS PharmSciTech 1:#33. 42. Humbert-Droz P, Mordier D, Doelker E. 1982.
29. Miyamoto Y, Ryu A, Sugawara S, Miyajima M, Méthode rapide de détermination du comportement
Ogawa S, Matsui M, Takayama K, Nagai T. à la compression pour des études de préformulation.
1998. Simultaneous optimization of wet granula- Acta Pharm Helv 57:136 143.
tion process involving factor of drug content depen- 43. Roberts RJ, Rowe RC. 1985. The effect of punch
dency on granule size. Drug Dev Ind Pharm velocity on the compaction of a variety of materials.
24:1055 1056. J Pharm Pharmacol 37:377 384.
30. Giry K, Viana M, Genty M, Louvet F, Wüthrich P, 44. Gabaude CMD, Guillot M, Gautier JC, Saudemon
Chulia D. In press. Comparison of single pot and P, Chulia D. 1999. Effects of true density, com-
multiphase equipment. Part 1: Effect of the high pacted mass, compression speed, and punch defor-
shear granulator on granule properties according to mation on the mean yield pressure. J Pharm Sci
the drug substance and its concentration. Pharm 88:7, 725 730.
Dev Technol. 45. Fell JT, Newton JM. 1970. Determination of tablets
31. Giry K, Viana M, Genty M, Louvet F, Wüthrich P, strength by the diametral-compression test. J Pharm
Chulia D. In press. Comparison of single pot and Sci 59:5, 688 691.
multiphase equipment. Part 2: Effect of the drying 46. Cunningham JC, Sinka IC, Zavaliangos A.
process on granules manufactured in a single pot 2004. Analysis of tablet compaction. I. Character-
granulator and dried either in situ or in a fluid bed ization of mechanical behaviour of powder and
dryer. Pharm Dev Technol. powder/tooling friction. J Pharm Sci 93:8, 2022
32. International Conference on Harmonisation, Gui- 2039.
dance for industry: Q8 Pharmaceutical Develop- 47. Ribet J. 2003. Fonctionnalisation des excipients:
ment, U.S. department of health and human Application à la comprimabilité des celluloses et
services FDA, center for drug evaluation and des saccharoses. PhD Thesis, Université de Limoges,
research (CDER), center for biologics evaluation France.
and research (CBER), 2006. 48. Gibassier D, Sado P, Le Verge R, Devissaguet JPh.
33. European Phamacopea 6th edition, Editions de 1982. Test de dissolution et fonction de Weibull.
l Europe, Strasbourg, 2008. Labo Pharm Probl Tech 30:319, 249 256.
49. Costa P, Sousa Lobo JM. 2001. Modelling and com- 51. Rowe RC, Sheskey PJ, Weller PJ, editors. 2003.
parison of dissolution profiles. Eur J Pharm Sci Handbook of pharmaceutical excipients, 4th edition.
13:123 133. London: Pharmaceutical Press.
50. Moore W, Flanner HH. 1996. Mathematical com- 52. Doehlert DH. 1970. Uniform shell designs. J R Stat
parison of dissolution profiles. Pharm Technol 20: Soc 19C:231 239.
64 74.
DOI 10.1002/jps JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES, VOL. 98, NO. 10, OCTOBER 2009 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
zanotowane.pl doc.pisz.pl pdf.pisz.pl wyciskamy.pev.pl
Pharm Sci 21:525 531. ods. J Mat Sci 36:1763 1773.
25. Johansen A, Schæfer T. 2001. Effect of interac- 38. Viana M, Gabaude-Renou CMD, Pontier C, Chulia
tions between powder particle size and binder D. 2001. The packing coefficient: A suitable para-
viscosity on agglomeration growth mechanisms meter to assess the flow properties of powders. Kona
in a high shear mixer. Eur J Pharm Sci 12:297 19:85 93.
309. 39. Viana M, Ribet J, Rodriguez F, Chulia D. 2005.
26. Knight PC, Instone T, Pearson JMK, Hounslow MJ. Powder functionality test: A methodology for rheo-
1998. An investigation into the kinetics of liquid logical and mechanical characterization. Pharm
distribution and growth in high shear mixer Dev Technol 10:2, 327 338.
agglomeration. Powder Technol 97:246 257. 40. Pontier C, Viana M, Champion E, Bernache-Asso-
27. Westerhuis JA. 1997. Multivariate statistical mod- lant D, Chulia D. 2003. Energetic yields in apatic
elling of pharmaceutical process. Ph. D. Thesis, calcium phosphates compression: Influence of the
Rijksuniversiteit Groningen. Ca/P molar ratio. Polym Int 52:625 628.
28. Badawy SIF, Lee TJ, Menning MM. 2000. Effect of 41. Heckel RW. 1961. Density-pressure relationship in
drug substance particle size on the characteristics powder compaction. Trans Metall Soc AIME 221:
of granulation manufactured in a high-shear mixer. 671 675.
AAPS PharmSciTech 1:#33. 42. Humbert-Droz P, Mordier D, Doelker E. 1982.
29. Miyamoto Y, Ryu A, Sugawara S, Miyajima M, Méthode rapide de détermination du comportement
Ogawa S, Matsui M, Takayama K, Nagai T. à la compression pour des études de préformulation.
1998. Simultaneous optimization of wet granula- Acta Pharm Helv 57:136 143.
tion process involving factor of drug content depen- 43. Roberts RJ, Rowe RC. 1985. The effect of punch
dency on granule size. Drug Dev Ind Pharm velocity on the compaction of a variety of materials.
24:1055 1056. J Pharm Pharmacol 37:377 384.
30. Giry K, Viana M, Genty M, Louvet F, Wüthrich P, 44. Gabaude CMD, Guillot M, Gautier JC, Saudemon
Chulia D. In press. Comparison of single pot and P, Chulia D. 1999. Effects of true density, com-
multiphase equipment. Part 1: Effect of the high pacted mass, compression speed, and punch defor-
shear granulator on granule properties according to mation on the mean yield pressure. J Pharm Sci
the drug substance and its concentration. Pharm 88:7, 725 730.
Dev Technol. 45. Fell JT, Newton JM. 1970. Determination of tablets
31. Giry K, Viana M, Genty M, Louvet F, Wüthrich P, strength by the diametral-compression test. J Pharm
Chulia D. In press. Comparison of single pot and Sci 59:5, 688 691.
multiphase equipment. Part 2: Effect of the drying 46. Cunningham JC, Sinka IC, Zavaliangos A.
process on granules manufactured in a single pot 2004. Analysis of tablet compaction. I. Character-
granulator and dried either in situ or in a fluid bed ization of mechanical behaviour of powder and
dryer. Pharm Dev Technol. powder/tooling friction. J Pharm Sci 93:8, 2022
32. International Conference on Harmonisation, Gui- 2039.
dance for industry: Q8 Pharmaceutical Develop- 47. Ribet J. 2003. Fonctionnalisation des excipients:
ment, U.S. department of health and human Application à la comprimabilité des celluloses et
services FDA, center for drug evaluation and des saccharoses. PhD Thesis, Université de Limoges,
research (CDER), center for biologics evaluation France.
and research (CBER), 2006. 48. Gibassier D, Sado P, Le Verge R, Devissaguet JPh.
33. European Phamacopea 6th edition, Editions de 1982. Test de dissolution et fonction de Weibull.
l Europe, Strasbourg, 2008. Labo Pharm Probl Tech 30:319, 249 256.
49. Costa P, Sousa Lobo JM. 2001. Modelling and com- 51. Rowe RC, Sheskey PJ, Weller PJ, editors. 2003.
parison of dissolution profiles. Eur J Pharm Sci Handbook of pharmaceutical excipients, 4th edition.
13:123 133. London: Pharmaceutical Press.
50. Moore W, Flanner HH. 1996. Mathematical com- 52. Doehlert DH. 1970. Uniform shell designs. J R Stat
parison of dissolution profiles. Pharm Technol 20: Soc 19C:231 239.
64 74.
DOI 10.1002/jps JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES, VOL. 98, NO. 10, OCTOBER 2009 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]