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local goldsmith, was solid gold or a *5. A pilot uses an aneroid 8. In example 13.13, could the
mixture of gold and silver. How did barometer as an altimeter that is iron block sink to a depth of 39.4 cm
Archimedes, or how could you, calibrated to a standard in a pool of water 100 cm deep and
determine whether or not the crown atmosphere. What happens to the then float at that point? Why or
was pure gold? aircraft if the temperature of the why not?
3. When you fly in an airplane atmosphere does not coincide with 9. How does eating foods very
you find that your ears keep the standard atmosphere? high in cholesterol have an effect on
 popping when the plane is the arteries and hence the flow of
blood in the body?
Chapter 13 Simple Harmonic Motion 13-31
*10. Why is an intravenous the arm of a patient?
bottle placed at a height h above
Problems for Chapter 13
13.2 Density (a) in. of Hg, (b) mb, (c) lb/in.2, and second floor faucet, 4.60 m above
1. A cylinder 3.00 cm in (d) Pa. the ground, is to be 3.45 × 104 N/m2
diameter and 3.00 cm high has a 13. (a) A  high pressure area of ?
mass of 15.0 g. What is its density? 1030 mb moves into an area. What 22. The water main pressure
2. Find the mass of a cube of is this pressure expressed in N/m2 entering a house is 31.0 N/cm2.
iron 10.0 cm on a side. and lb/in.2? (b) A  low pressure What is the pressure at the second
3. A gold ingot is 50.0 cm by area of 980 mb moves into an area. floor faucet, 6.00 m above the
20.0 cm by 10.0 cm. Find (a) its What is this pressure expressed in ground? What is the maximum
mass and (b) its weight. N/m2 and lb/in.2? height of any faucet such that water
4. Find the mass of the air in a 14. Normal systolic blood will still flow from it?
room 6.00 m by 8.00 m by 3.00 m. pressure is approximately 120 mm 23. A barometer reads 76.0 cm
5. Assume that the earth is a of Hg and normal diastolic pressure of Hg at the base of a tall building.
sphere. Compute the average is 80 mm of Hg. Express these The barometer is carried to the roof
density of the earth. pressures in terms of Pa and lb/in.2. of the building and now reads 75.6
6. Find the weight of 1.00 liter 15. The point of a 10-penny nail cm of Hg. If the average density of
of air. has a diameter of 1.00 mm. If the the air is 1.28 kg/m3, what is the
7. A crown, supposedly made of nail is driven into a piece of wood height of the building?
gold, has a mass of 8.00 kg. When it with a force of 150 N, find the 24. The hatch of a submarine is
is placed in a full container of pressure that the tip of the nail 100 cm by 50.0 cm. What force is
water, 691 cm3 of water overflows. exerts on the wood. exerted on this hatch by the water
Is the crown made of pure gold or is 16. The gauge pressure in the when the submarine is 50.0 m
it mixed with some other materials? tires of your car is 2.42 × 105 N/m2. below the surface?
8. A solid brass cylinder 10.0 cm What is the absolute pressure of the
in diameter and 25.0 cm long is air in the tires? 13.4 Pascal s Principle
soldered to a solid iron cylinder 10.0 17. What is the water pressure 25. In the hydraulic lift of figure
cm in diameter and 50.0 cm long. and the absolute pressure in a 13.5, the diameter d = 10.0 cm and
Find the weight of the combined swimming pool at depths of (a) 1.00 d = 50.0 cm. If a force of 10.0 N is
cylinder. m, (b) 2.00 m, (c) 3.00 m, and applied at the small piston, (a) what
9. An annular cylinder of 2.50- (d) 4.00 m? force will appear at the large
cm inside radius and 4.55-cm 18. Find the force exerted by piston? (b) If the large piston is to
outside radius is 10.5 cm high. If normal atmospheric pressure on the move through a height of 2.00 m,
the cylinder has a mass of 5.35 kg, top of a table 1.00 m high, 1.00 m what must the total displacement of
find its density. long, 0.75 m wide, and 0.10 m thick. the small piston be?
What is the force on the underside 26. In a hydraulic lift, the large
13.3 Pressure of the table top exerted by normal piston exerts a force of 25.0 N when
10. As mentioned in the text, a atmospheric pressure? a force of 3.50 N is applied to the
non-SI unit of pressure is the torr, 19. A portion of the roof of a smaller piston. If the smaller piston
named after Torricelli, which is home is 12.2 m long and 6.50 m has a radius of 12.5 cm, and the lift
equal to the pressure exerted by a high, and makes an angle of 40.00 is 65.0% efficient, what must be the
column of mercury 1 mm high. with the horizontal. What force is radius of the larger piston?
Express a pressure of 2.53 × 105 Pa exerted on the top of this roof by 27. The theoretical mechanical
in torrs. normal atmospheric pressure? advantage (TMA) of a hydraulic lift
*11. From the knowledge of 20. If normal atmospheric is equal to the ratio of the force that
normal atmospheric pressure at the pressure can support a column of you get out of the lift to the force
surface of the earth, compute the Hg 76.0 cm high, how high a that you must put into the lift.
approximate mass of the column will it support of (a) water, Show that the theoretical
atmosphere. (b) benzene, (c) alcohol, and mechanical advantage of the
12. A barometer reads a height (d) glycerine? hydraulic lift is given by
of 72.0 cm of Hg. Express this 21. What is the minimum TMA = F = A = y
out out in
atmospheric pressure in terms of pressure of water entering a F A y
in in out
building if the pressure at the
13-32 Vibratory Motion, Wave Motion and Fluids
40. A certain portion of a
where A is the area of the output 13.6 The Equation of rectangular, concrete flood wall is
piston, A is the area of the input Continuity 12.0 m high and 30.0 m long.
piston, y is the distance that the 34. A 2.50-cm pipe is connected During severe flooding of the river,
input piston moves, and y is the to a 0.900-cm pipe. If the velocity of the water level rises to a height of
distance that the output piston the fluid in the 2.50-cm pipe is 1.50 10.0 m. Find (a) the water pressure
moves. m/s, what is the velocity in the at the base of the flood wall, (b) the
0.900-cm pipe? How much water average water pressure exerted on
13.5 Archimedes Principle flows per second from the 0.900-cm the flood wall, and (c) the average
28. Find the weight of a cubic pipe? force exerted on the flood wall by
block of iron 5.00 cm on a side. This 35. A duct for a home air- the water.
block is now hung from a spring conditioning unit is 35.0 cm in 41. The Vehicle Assembly
scale such that the block is totally diameter. If the duct is to remove Building at the Kennedy Space
submerged in water. What would the air in a room 9.00 m by 6.00 m Center is 160 m high. Assuming the
the scale indicate for the weight by 3.00 m high every 15.0 min, density of air to be a constant, find
(called the apparent weight) of the what must the velocity of the air in the difference in atmospheric
block? the duct be? pressure between the ground floor
and the ceiling of the building.
13.7 Bernoulli s Theorem 42. If the height of a water
tower is 20.0 m, what is the
36. Water enters the house from pressure of the water as it comes
a main at a pressure of 1.5 × 105 Pa out of a pipe at the ground? [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]
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